Textbook on Cheol-kwon-Do, a korean martial art-both in English and Korean. Important note regarding the written text under the photos of the techniques * In this case the explanations are only in korean.
추천사 / Recommendatory Remarks………………………………………………………………………… 004
머리말 / Preface………………………………………………………………………………………………… 012
철권도의 역사와 사상 / History of Cheol-kwon-do, its History and Thoughts…………………………… 030
01 예의(인사법) / Courtesy(Greeting Proprieties)………………………………………………………… 062
02 무예자세 / Martial Arts Posture………………………………………………………………………… 063
1. 서기자세 / Stand-up posture………………………………………………………………………… 063
01 예의(준비자세) / Courtesy(Readiness Posture)………………………………………………………… 134
02 주먹치기 / [Fist-]Punching……………………………………………………………………………… 135
1. 한번치기 / Punching once…………………………………………………………………………… 135
2. 두번치기 / Punching twice…………………………………………………………………………… 135
3. 세번치기 / Punching thrice………………………………………………………………………… 136
4. x자치기 / Punching in X-form……………………………………………………………………… 137
5. 등주먹치기(등권) / Punching with the back of the fist…………………………………………… 137
01 기초손목빼기 (1~3수) / Basic Wrist-withdrawal (1~3 moves)……………………………………… 200
02 기초손목수 (1~3수) / Basic wrist [hand](1~3 moves)………………………………………………… 202
03 쌍수 (1~3수) / Both hands (1~3 moves)……………………………………………………………… 204
01 철신법 24동작 / 24 Moves/Motions of Cheol-shin Art/Method…………………………………… 298
1. 주먹 앞지르기 / Forward fist-punching…………………………………………………………… 298
2. 가슴내밀기 / Holding/Sticking out chest………………………………………………………… 298
3. 이마주치기 / Clashing one’s teeth………………………………………………………………… 298
06 무선명상법 / Art of Meditation of Martial Arts and Taoist Superpowers…………………………… 366
07 운기호흡법 / Method of Breathing by Cloud Energy………………………………………………… 366
08 벽곡법 / Art of Byeock-Gouk…………………………………………………………………………… 366
09 무선다예[武仙茶藝] / Martial arts of Taoist Superpowers and Tea Ceremony……………………… 367
10 선법체계 직급 단계 / Position of the System of the Method of Taoist Superpowers …………… 368
11 철권도 계승자 / Successors to Cheol-kwon-do……………………………………………………… 369
Scheda informativa
- Anno di Pubblicazione
- 2018
- Dimensioni
- 214 * 298 * 17 mm
- Pagine
- 376
- Peso
- 980
- Autore
- 허통천
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