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Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 5

23,50 €
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Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 5


How to Use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook

Lesson 1. -(으)ㄹ 뻔했다 (Almost did ...)

Lesson 2. Honorific Suffix: -시-

Lesson 3. 수고 (Good work)

Lesson 4. -나 보다 (I guess, I assume (Part 1))

Lesson 5. -(으)ㄴ가 보다 (I guess, I assume (Part 2))

Lesson 6. 문(文) (Word Builder #6)

Lesson 7. -자마자 (As soon as …)

Lesson 8. -(으)려고 하다 (It is about to …, I am planning to …)

Lesson 9. -다가 (While I was doing …, … and then …)

Lesson 10. 명사 + -(이)라고 (말하다) ((To say) that something/someone is + noun)

Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill #3

Lesson 12. -(이)라는 (Noun + that is called / that people say is + noun)

Lesson 13. 회(會) (Word Builder #7)

Lesson 14. -(으)니까 (Since, Because, As)

Lesson 15. -(이)라도 (At least, Instead, It might not be the best but …)

Lesson 16. -(ㄴ/는)다 (Narrative Present Tense in Korean)

Lesson 17. 동사 + -(ㄴ/는)다고 (말하다) ((To say) that something/someone + verb/adjective)

Lesson 18. -(으)ㄴ/는지 (Whether or not)

Lesson 19. 동사 + -(으)라고 하다 (To tell someone to do something)

Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill #4

Lesson 21. 축약형 (Part 3) - 목적격 조사 (Word Contractions - Object marker)

Lesson 22. 식(食) (Word Builder #8)

Lesson 23. -(으)려나 보다 (It seems like …, I assume …)

Lesson 24. 말고, -지 말고 (Not A but B, Don’t do THIS but do THAT)

Lesson 25. -에 비해서 -(으)ㄴ/는 편이다 (Compared to, Relatively)

Lesson 26. 대신에, -는 대신에 (Instead of …, In return)

Lesson 27. -잖아(요) (You know, Isn’t it …?, You see …, Come on …)

Lesson 28. -(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 (To have no other choice but to …)

Lesson 29. -았/었/였다고, -(으)ㄹ 거라고 (They said that they had done …, They said that they would …)

Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill #5



This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the TTMIK Level 5 lessons.

Developed by a certified teacher to help you review and retain what you’ve learned in the TTMIK lessons, this workbook contains 3 main categories of review and 15 types of exercises.


1. Vocabulary (단어)

2. Comprehension (이해력 점검)

3. Listening Comprehension (듣고 이해하기)

<Types of Exercises>

1. Writing (쓰기)

2. Reading (읽기)

1. Matching (짝 짓기)

2. Translation Practice (한<->영 번역하기)

3. Fill in the blank (빈칸 채우기)

4. Short answer (짧은 답 적기)

5. Multiple choice (사지선다형)

6. Conjugation Practice (활용 연습)

7. Complete the dialogue (대화 완성하기)

8. Checking for Understanding (이해력 점검)

9. Writing Practice (쓰기 연습)

10. Fill in the Chart (차트 채우기)

11. Paraphrasing (다른 말로 표현하기)

12. Reading (읽기)

13. Contraction Practice (축약 연습)

14. Expansion Practice (풀어쓰기 연습)

15. Quoting (인용하기)


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