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Inside Korea- Discovering the People and Culture

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Korea at a Glance! It' s an exhaustive essay about South-Korea. No matter your field of expertise,  inside this book, you can find every topic . Read better in the description.


What’s Inside Korea?

Discovering the past and Present of Korea 

Korea is a nation with about five thousand years of history and rich cultural heritage and a country realized stunning economic growth and democratic development in such a short span of time. In addition, Korea has recently been put on the proverbial global map propelled by the Korean wave which hit the world, but the country is still far from well-known across the world. What is Korea like? In fact, it is not easy for both Koreans and non-Koreans to answer to this question. It is where the idea of this book first created.

This book is designed to increase understanding about Korea for people around the world and to present Korean society and culture in refined manner to foreigners who are not familiar with. Most of the information in the book can be easily accessed through the Internet, but books are still the best method to systemize information on such a broad subject and to make it understandable to a wider range of people regardless of time or place. That being said, this book has a great deal to offer people around the world. 

This book mainly consists of three parts. The first part (pp. 1-32) offers a brief introduction to Korea with reliable barometers in many aspects of Korean identity. The main part (PP. 33-446) of this book reveals Korea by eight categories: geography, history, politics, economy, society, culture, religion and religious culture, and scientific technology and industry. Two special commentaries on the North-South relations and East-West cultural differences are to help readers better understand Korea as a “divided country” with “Confucian culture.” Finally the last appendix part contains a lot of statistic information that readers can refer to.


                                                                                        Table of Contents


머리말 Preface    | 일러두기 Notes | 한국개요 Korea at a Glance

지리 Geography 
들어가는 | 1. 위치와 영역 | 2. 기후와 지형 | 3. 식물과 동물 | 4. 인구 | 5. 가옥과 취락 | 맺음말

Introduction | 1. Location & Territory | 2. Climate & Topography | 3. Plants & Animals | 4. Population 
5. Settlements | Conclusion

역사 History

한국사의 여명 | 2. 삼국의 발전과 통일신라 그리고 발해 | 3. 황제의 나라 고려 | 4. 유교 국가 조선 
근대화를 향한 노력과 좌절 | 6. 일제강점기의 수난과 독립운동 | 7. 대한민국의 성립과 발전

Introduction | 1. The Dawn of Korean History | 2. The Three Kingdoms, Unified Silla, and Balhae 
3. Goryeo: Land of Empire | 4. Joseon, the Confucian State | 5. Modernization: Exertion & Frustration
6. Japanese Colonial Rule & the Independence Movement | 7. Establishment & Development of the Republic 
of Korea

정치 Politics 

1. Constitution | 2. The Presidential System | 3. National Assembly | 4. Diplomacy 
5. Symbols of Korea (Republic of Korea, Aegukga, Taegeukgi, Mugunghwa)

헌법 | 2. 대통령제 | 3. 국회 | 4. 외교 | 5. 대한민국의 상징들 (대한민국, 애국가, 태극기, 무궁화)

특집] 남북관계의 이해

[Special Feature] Understanding of North-South Relations

경제 Economy

들어가는 | 1. 전후 경제발전 전략과 성과들 | 2. 중공업화 정책과 80 위기 이후 
86 이후 경제민주화와 금융자유화 | 4. 1997 금융위기와 대응 | 5. IMF 위기 이후 현대의 한국 경제

Introduction | 1. Economic Strategies and Achievements after the War 
2. Heavy Industry Strategy, the Depression of 1980 and Beyond
Economic Democracy and Banking Liberalization after 1986
4. The Financial Crisis of 1997 and Solution | 5. The Korean Economy after the Asian Financial Crisis

사회 Society 

들어가는 | 1. 압축 근대화 | 2. 인구, 가구, 주거 | 3. 가족, 혼인, 여성 | 4. 국제결혼, 다문화사회
교육 | 6. 고용과 복지 | 7. 종교생활 여가생활

Introduction | 1. Compressed Modernization: The Key to Understanding Modern Korean Society 
2. Population, Households, and Dwellings | 3. Family, Marriage, and Women
4. International Marriages and a Multicultural Society | 5. Education
6. Employment and Welfare | 7. Religion and Leisure Time

문화 Culture 

들어가는 | 1. 한국어와 한글 | 2. 한국의 통과의례 | 3. 한국인의 | 4. 주거 | 5. 음식 
예술과 대중문화 | 맺음말

Introduction | 1. Korean and the Korean Alphabet | 2. Rites of Passage | 3. Clothes
4. Dwellings | 5. Food | 6. Fine Arts and Pop Culture | Conclusion

특집] 동서양 문화 비교

[Special Feature] Comparison of Eastern and Western Culture

종교와 전통문화 Religion and Religious Culture 

들어가는 | 1. 기독교 | 2. 불교 | 3. 유교 | 4. 샤머니즘 | 맺음말

Introduction | 1. Christianity | 2. Buddhism | 3. Confucianism | 4. Shamanism | Conclusion

과학기술과 산업 Scientific Technology and Industry 

들어가는 | 1. 건설 산업 | 2. 철강 산업 | 3. 조선 산업 | 4. 자동차 산업 | 5. IT 산업 
과학기술의 육성과 보급 | 맺음말

Introduction | 1.
Construction Industry | 2. Steel Industry | 3. Shipbuilding Industry | 4. Automotive Industry 
5. IT Industry | 6. Development and Dissemination of Science and Technology | Conclusion

참고문헌 Bibliography | 부록 Appendix


Data sheet

Publication Year
12 x 18 cm

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