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Korean Picture Dictionary + CD

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Korean Picture Dictionary + CD translated in Korean/English/Chinese/Japanese.


This book was designed for easy use by new foreign learners of Korean.

• It covers a total of approximately 3,800 words chosen from the 50,000 vocabulary words found on the National Academy of the Korean Language's (NAKL) list of most frequently used words in Korean and the Yonsei Korean Dictionary, as well as from textbooks used in teaching Korean as a foreign language at the university level.

• Thirteen categories cover a diverse range of vocabulary from everyday life, in subjects from home to school and from nature to the galaxy.

• Word translations in English, Chinese, Japanese make sure each word makes sense in your language.

• Pictures help you enjoy remembering words that otherwise would be dry and unexciting. Each section includes phrases and expressions from everyday Korean that help you put words in context.

• Along with the learning of visual pictures, listening practice is added through the voice audio MP3 CD on each vocabulary. 

*The basic words you'll need in speaking real, everyday korean in a format that is fun and easy!

Detailed illustrations provide for ease-to use for learners unfamiliar with korean and korean culture!

1. 일상

1.1. 달력

1.2. 날씨

1.3. 상태

1.4. 색깔 / Colors

1.5. 위치 및 방향 / Location and Direction / 位置及方向 / 位置, 方向

1.6. 숫자 (수) / Numbers /

1.7. 물건을 세는 단위 / Units for Counting Objects /

1.8. 시간 / Time /

1.9. 화폐 (돈) / Currency /

2. 사람들 / People / 人(?) / 人

2.1. 얼굴 / Face /

2.2. 신체와 기관 /

2.3. 나이 (연령) / Age /

2.4. 가족 / Family / 家庭 / 家族

2.5. 사람의 일생 / Events in a Lifetime / 人的一生 / 人の一生

2.6.1. 느낌표현 1 / Feelings 1 /

2.6.2. 느낌표현 2 / Feelings 2 /

3. 의복류 / Clothing / 衣服類

3.1.1. 의류 1 / Clothing 1 / 衣類 1

3.1.2. 의류 2 / Clothing 2 / 衣類 2

3.2. 속옷 / Underwear / 下着

3.3.1. 신발 / Footwear / 鞋 / 履物

3.3.2. 모자, 가방 / Hats, Bags / 帽, 箱包 / 帽子

3.3.3. 액세서리 / Accessories / アクセサリ

3.4. 화장품 / Cosmetics /化粧品

3.5. 의복 액세서리 관련동사구 / Phrase about Clothing, Accessories /

3.6. 세탁 / Laundry /

4. 음식 / Food / 食べ物

4.1. 야채 / Vegetables / 蔬菜 / 野菜

4.2. 과일 / Fruits .../ 水果 / 果物

4.3. 생선 및 해산물 / Fish and Marine Products / 魚, 海産物

4.4. 육류 / Meats /肉類

4.5.1. 음료 / Beverages

4.5.2. 전통차와 술 / Traditional Teas and Alcoholic Drinks /

4.6.1. 한식 / Korean Food /

4.6.2. 분식 / Snack Food / 小吃 /

4.7. 중식 / Chinese Food / 中餐 /

4.8. 일식 / Japanese Food / 日餐 / 日本料理

4.9. 양식 / Western Food / 西餐 / 洋食

4.10. 과자류 / Confectionaries / 菓子類

4.11. 식료품 / Foodstuff / 食品 / 食料品

4.12. 패스트푸드 / Fast Food / 快餐 /

4.13. 김치 담그기 / Making Kimchi / 做泡菜 / キムチを作る

4.14. 상차림 / Table items /膳の準備

4.15. 식당 (음식점) / Restaurant /食堂 (?食店)

5. 주거 / Living Space / 居住 / 住居

5.1. 주거 형태 / Forms of Domicile /住居の形態

5.2. 주방 / Kitchen /台所

5.3. 거실 / Livingroom /居間

5.4. 침실 / Bedroom /

5.5. 욕실 / Bathroom / 浴室 / 浴室

5.6.1. 청소용구 / Cleaning Devices /掃除用具

5.6.2. 공구 / Tools / 工具 / 工具

6. 학교 / School /

6.1. 교실 / Classroom /

6.2. 학교시설 / School Facilities /

6.3. 도서관 / Library /

6.4. 시험 / Test(s) /

6.5. 한국의 학제 / Korean School System /

7. 일 / Work / 工作 / 仕事

7.1.1. 사무실 1 / Office 1 /事務室 1

7.1.2. 사무실 2 / Office 2 / 事務室 2

7.2. 전화 / Telephone / 電話

7.3. 컴퓨터 / Computer / ソコン

7.4. E-mail / E-mail / E-mail

7.5. 공장 / Factory / 工場

8. 생활 / Service & Retailers / 生活 / 生活

8.1. 병원 / Hospital / 病院

8.2. 증상 및 질병 / Symptoms & Diseases /

8.3. 약국 및 응급처치 / Pharmacy and Emergency Care /

8.4. 은행 / Bank / 銀行

8.5. 우체국 / Post Office / 郵便局

8.6. 미용실 / 이발소

8.7. 백화점 / 쇼핑센터

9. 교통 / Transportation / 交通 / 交通

9.1. 버스와 택시 / Bus and Taxi

9.2. 지하철 / Subway /

9.3. 교차로 / Intersections / 交叉路 / 交差点

9.4. 교통표지판 / Traffic Signs / 交通標識

9.5. 자동차 운전 / Driving Automobiles /

9.6. 자동차 부품 / Automobile Parts / 自動車部品

9.7. 공항 / Airport / 空港

10. 레크리에이션 / Leisure & Recreation / レクリエ?ション

10.1. 취미와 놀이 / Hobbies and Games / 趣味, 遊び

10.2. 스포츠 / Sports /

10.3. 음악 / Music /

10.4. 미술, 영화와 공연 / Art, Movies, Performances /

10.5. TV와 오디오 / Television and Video /

10.6. 여행 / Travel / 旅行 / 旅行

11. 식물과 동물 / Plants & Animals / 植物, 動物

11.1. 나무 / Trees / 木

11.2. 꽃 / Flowers / 花 / 花

11.3. 가축 / Livestock, Domestic Animals / 牲畜 / 家畜

11.4. 야생동물 / Wild Animals / 野生動物

11.5. 새 / Birds / 鳥

11.6. 파충류, 양서류, 곤충 / Reptiles, Amphibia and Insects /

12. 우주와 세계 / The world & The universe / 宇宙, 世界

12.1. 우주 / Cosmos / 宇宙 / 宇宙

12.2. 자연 / Nature / 自然 / 自然

12.3. 세계 / World / 世界 / 世界

13. 한국 / Korea /

13.1. 행정구역과 지리 / Administrative Districts and Geography /

13.2 역사와 문화 / History and Culture /

13.3. 정치와 법률 / Politics and Law /

13.4. 산업과 경제 / Industry and Economy /

13.5. 종교 / Religion /

13.6. 군사와 무기 / Military and Weaponry /


Phrases & Expressions

Practical Vocabulary

Verbs & Adjectives



Data sheet

605 g

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