Postmodern Art in Korea : From 1985 on - 한국의 포스트모던 미술 | Contemporary Korean Arts 15
01 Issues on Postmodernism
02 Postmodernism in Korea
·Presenting the Problem
·The Fallacy of Style and Korean Modernism
·Issues Related to Acceptance and Interpretation
03 Postmodern Art in Korea
·Video/Moving Image
04 Postmodern, Since Then―Critique and Prospect
01 포스트모더니즘에 관한 논의
02 한국에서의 포스트모더니즘
·문제 제기
·형식의 오류와 한국적 모더니즘
·수용과 해석의 제 문제
03 한국의 포스트모던 아트
04 포스트모던, 그 이후―비평과 전망
도판 출처
A Discourse on Postmodern Art in Korea
With a Critical Perspective on Postmodernism in Korean Contemporary Art
Postmodern Art in Korea: From 1985 on is written with a critical perspective on how postmodernism in Korean contemporary art has influenced the political and social environment. For reader’s accommodation, the book introduces Korean postmodern art as four fields?painting, sculpture/installation, photography, and video/moving image. In Korea, the discourse on postmodernism started in the late 1980s, resulting in heated cries for democratization within society. The book deals with not only the issues on postmodernism in Korea, the problem of acceptance and interpretation of Western art trend, but also Korean artists and their artworks which classified as postmodern art despite of its difficulty of classification.
The first chapter examines the international flow of postmodernism before looking into the tendencies and nature of Korean postmodern art. The chapter two shows the problems which appeared in Korean postmodernism and issues related to acceptance and interpretation. Chapter three contains Korean postmodern artists and their artworks which are categorized by painting, sculpture/installation, photography, and video/moving image. Suh Yong-sun, Choi Jin-wook, Kwon Yeo-hyun, and Kim Nam-pyo are introduced in painting field. In sculpture and installation field, Yoon Dong-chun, Kim Myung-hye, Cho U-ram, Suh Do Ho, and Oh In-hwan are presented. Jung Yeon-doo, Kim Yun-ho, Lee Kang-woo, Yoon Jeong-mee are introduced in photography field. Additionally, Paik Nam June and his video art theory are dealt with in video/moving image field.
The signs of the postmodernism in 1990s conflicted with the existing system but played a positive role in various genres of art as the principal agent for change. Because the contents of book deal with the "contemporary" art, the formulated and fixed introduction of Korean postmodern art is not existed. For that reason, the author’s critical review on Korean postmodern art is called for. The introduced artists and their artworks of this book are existed beyond Korea now. The book will promote current status and specialty of Korean Postmodern art overseas and to improve interchanges of arts around the world.
시리즈 소개
□ 한국문화예술위원회와 한림출판사는 한국 현대 예술의 흐름과 특징을 해외에 널리 알리고 국제예술교류 증진에 기여하기 위해 영문판 『한국 현대예술 시리즈(Contemporary Korean Arts Series)』를 2011년부터 연간 2~4종씩 출간해왔다. 올해에는 「Korean Painting: From Modern to Contemporary, 1945-1980s (한국 현대 회화의 흐름)」, 「Postmodern Art in Korea: From 1985 on (한국의 포스트모던 미술)」을 추가 발간하여 총 15권 시리즈를 완간하였다.
Arts Council Korea and Hollym Corp., Publishers have been unveiling Contemporary Korean Arts Series since 2011, by publishing two to four titles each year, to promote current status and specialty of Korean contemporary arts overseas and to improve interchanges of arts around the world. The two volumes of the series, among fifteen in total, published this year are Korean Painting: From Modern to Contemporary, 1945-1980s and Postmodern Art in Korea: From 1985 on.
□ 본 시리즈는 한국 현대예술 중 특히 연극, 미술, 무용, 음악 분야를 집중하여 소개하고 있다. 시리즈 15종 중 연극 분야는 3종, 미술 분야 5종, 무용 분야 3종, 음악 분야 3종, 및 건축 분야 1종이 출간 되었다.
This series have mainly introduced Korean contemporary art field on drama, fine arts, dance, and music. Among total 15 books, 3 are on dance, 5 are fine arts, 3 are on dance, 3 are on music, and 1 is on architecture.
□ ARKO는 본 시리즈를 출간해 오며 해외 문화예술 관련 기관, 재외공관, 한국학 개설 대학 및 도서관 등 약 600개 처에 배포하여 자료로서의 유용성에 대해 호평 받아 왔다. 본 시리즈는 그 중요성에 비해 해외 소개 자료가 크게 미흡한 한국의 현대 예술을 외국 예술계와 대중에게 효과적으로 소개할 수 있는 책으로, 한국 시각예술과 공연예술의 흐름과 특징을 해외에 널리 알리고 국제 예술 교류를 활발하게 하는 촉매제 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.
Reference materials regarding contemporary Korean arts for foreigners had been quite insufficient for its importance. Now, stepping on the road to the world to meet with the artists and the public overseas, Contemporary Korean Arts Series will be presenting trends and specialty of Korean arts and boosting international artistic exchanges.
Data sheet
- Publication Year
- 2015
- Dimensions
- 150*225mm
- Pages
- 152
- Publisher
- Hollym
- Author
- 정영목
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