Korean Speaking
Korean Pronunciation...
€34.90The last publication about korean pronunciation rules from basic to intermediate level, by Darakwon! You can find inside a lot of Reading and Listening exercises to test your korean after your study time; dialogues from every day life help you to improve your pronunciation and speaking skills.
Korean made easy -...
€23.95Korean Made Easy-Starter targets those who have no reading knowledge of the Korean alphabet (Hangeul). Through various practice exercises, activities, and games, this book provides an enjoyable way to learn...
€26.30This book helps to learn Korean vocabulary with the goal to learn as many useful Korean words in as short time as possible.
It helps you in a funny and smart way to associate english words sounds to really existent korean words!
Korean made easy for...
€24.90The best selling korean learning book: Learn korean has never been easier!
Start speaking Korean with confidence in no time!
Arirang Korean Basics...
€23.81This the first volume(1-2)! Contents originally aired on " Let's Speak Korean " for Arirang TV and grammar rules explained in a easy and friendly manner like in the popular show!
Arirang Korean Basics...
€23.93Korean grammar explained in an easy, friendly manner again in this second book from "Let's Speak Korean " for Arirang TV.
Korean Made Easy –...
€25.40Keep studying korean with “Korean Made Easy – Intermediate”, that was designed for intermediate learners to be able to self-study and practice intermediate-level, natural-sounding communication in Korean
생활 속 한국문화 -
€19.45This book in manhwa style, has the aim to introduce Korea Culture through -day by day- the eyes of two foreigners living in Korea. The main vocabulary is presented in English, such as in Japanese and Chinese translation.