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Korean Speaking

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  • Korean Pronunciation...


    The last publication about korean pronunciation rules from basic to intermediate level, by Darakwon! You can find inside a lot of Reading and Listening exercises to test your korean after your study time; dialogues from every day life help you to improve your pronunciation and speaking skills.

  • Korean made easy -...


    Korean Made Easy-Starter targets those who have no reading knowledge of the Korean alphabet (Hangeul). Through various practice exercises, activities, and games, this book provides an enjoyable way to learn...



    This book helps to learn Korean vocabulary with the goal to learn as many useful Korean words in as short time as possible.

     It helps you in a funny and smart way to associate english words sounds to really existent korean words!


  • Korean made easy for...


     The best selling korean learning book: Learn korean has never been easier!

    Start speaking Korean with confidence in no time!

  • Arirang Korean Basics...


    This the first volume(1-2)! Contents originally aired on " Let's Speak Korean " for Arirang TV and grammar rules explained in a easy and friendly manner like in the popular show!

  • Arirang Korean Basics...


    Korean grammar explained in an easy, friendly manner again in this second book from "Let's Speak Korean " for Arirang TV.

  • Korean Made Easy –...


    Keep studying korean with “Korean Made Easy – Intermediate”, that  was designed for intermediate learners to be able to self-study and practice intermediate-levelnatural-sounding communication in Korean

  • 생활 속 한국문화 -


    This book in manhwa style, has the aim to introduce Korea Culture through -day by day- the eyes of  two foreigners living in Korea. The main vocabulary is presented in English, such as in Japanese and Chinese translation